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Tesla’s revolutionary new MAGNET will ruin China’s Rare Earth leverage over the world #17

Tesla’s Investor Day 2023 revealed a bunch of new technologies that Tesla has developed for production of their next generation vehicles that promises a 50% cost reduction over current auto manufacturing.

IMO the most interesting new technology Tesla presented was their new permanent magnet electric motor that do not use any rare earth elements for its permanent magnets.

This new Tesla magnet is super important because China today make over 90% of the worlds rare earth permanent magnets that are used in nearly all BEVs and countless of other products.

Tesla’s new magnet will break China’s monopoly and eliminate a huge supply chain risk for the free and democratic world that must not depend on authoritarian regimes like China for its critical supplies.

Tesla did not reveal much about how they accomplish to make strong permanent magnets without any rare earth elements but I think I have found out what Tesla’s breakthrough magnet is all about.

Video #17 is based on a presentation that contains all links for references and attribution. These files can be downloaded by following the link below

Click link below to download power point presentation used in video as a pdf file



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